- Client CMS
- Nested Dynamic Routes
- Bento Box Design
- Infinite Scroll
- Mobile Optimization
- Animation
DavidASix.com is my personal portfolio website, and it has gone through many iterations over the years. I've been writing and re-writing my personal space online for over 14 years, and I'm sure this current iteration will change sometime in the future.
Previously my site was named dave6.com, as I was gifted the domain from my father. With his encouragement I was introduced to web development, starting out with a simple HTML website. Through the years my site has evolved, spending a long while as a PHP site backed by MySQL, all the way to its current build as a NextJS site, backed by StrapiCMS running on a Digital Ocean droplet.
This site is meant to house my projects and portfolio, but also to serve as a portfolio piece. The site displays my ability to design multiple layouts, multiple content loading systems, and implement clear clean API routes to handle content delivery
Bento Box - The homepage sports a Bento Box layout, built with CSS grid. I implemented glass morphisim over an animated gradient, as well as a group focus effect for each element when hovered
Aside Information - The Excel page contains an aside design, with some summary information in a sticky content box to the right, and the main scroll-able content on the left
Classic List - The Blog page contains a classic content list, with a single item per row. The list items are served in chronological order.
Section List - The Projects page contains a sectioned content list. It lists all of my projects, broken up by their category. The categories and projects are both sorted by chronological order of most recent project.
Button Loader - the Blog page contains a button loader. The user must click a Load More button to have more content load in.
Pre-fetch Loader - The Projects page preloads all content, and has no option to load more. This is done as the projects will be less frequently updated, and has a lower potential for lots of content to be added.
Infinite Scroll Loader - The Excel page contains an infinite scroll loader. Once the user reaches the end of the page, a skeleton component is shown and more content is collected from the server.