Just Dogs Screenshot 1Just Dogs Screenshot 2Just Dogs Screenshot 3Just Dogs Screenshot 4


  • API Integration
  • Ads via AppLovin
  • In App Purchases
  • Infinite Scroll
  • GIFs
  • Email recovery codes


  • react-native
  • firebase
  • lottie
  • styled-components
  • mailgun
  • Google cloud functions

Project Description

Just Dogs is one of the first mobile apps I created, but I've recently re-hauled a large part of its code base. The app idea came from me spending too much time on Reddit on my phone, and wanting a different infinite scroll option that would only have "nice things".
The app is written with React Native, and the API is hosted through Firebase (previously on a VPS LEMN stack).

Monetization 🪙

A goal with this app was to implement full monetization, through delivering ads and offering in-app purchases. The app serves ads via AppLovin (though my account is currently on hold, so no ads at the moment) and offers an IAP to remove adds for $1.00.
The app does not require you to sign in, which offers an interesting challenge for IAP, as users need the ability to restore purchases on new devices.


The API has 3 endpoints, and 2 Firestore collections. Its purpose is to facilitate the restoration of users purchases. When a user makes a purchase, they are prompted to enter their email. After doing so, a request is made to store their email and their IAP token. Then if a user needs to restore a purchase (ie gets a new device, re-installs the app, etc), they enter their email and receive a restoration code sent via the Mailgun API. The user can then enter the code, which is verified by the server, and if successful their purchase is restored.

Frontend 🐕️

The frontend of this app contains 2 screens, one of which is not visible to the end user. Upon launch the app displays a loading screen which matches the splash screen. During this time it verifies any previous purchases, and appropriately assigns advertising. Then it reveals the infinite scroll screen.
The InfiniteScroll initially obtains 4 images from the DogCEO API, then each time the user scrolls, it loads another. This ensures the user always has a buffer of dogs to scroll to.
This page also sports a data delete button for users who have purchased premium. This allows users to remove their email from the server, but it also removes their ability to restore a purchase in the future. This is done to be in compliance with Google Play TOS.

Download this app and spend some time with mans best friend 🐕