Well I've left my comfortable corporate position at Rogers in pursuit of loftier goals. On July 21st I effectively resigned from Rogers Communications, taking a package that would allow me to cover my bills comfortably for a few months. I plan on using this time to work for myself, and what better way to start a plan than writing out a plan. After a week of relaxing and housework, I bought a whiteboard and started to plan out my next few months.

I've decided that I will re-evaluate my success running a business for self after 14 weeks, as that should give me an indication of what I've accomplished; If I haven't accomplished enough, it also allots me time to find a new corporate job.

This week was Week 0 of my plan. I largely used this week to plan out the tech stack for my web design business, and I think I succeeded at that. I am writing this blog post via FireCMS, the backend headless CMS that will manage my web design content.

In addition to sorting out my stack, I managed to migrate all of my domains and most of my existing services over to new providers, which cuts down on my costs and simplifies my workflow.

Week 0

  • Re-Brand Etsy Shop
  • Make Second Etsy Shop
  • Choose Domain Provider
  • Test Firebase Hosting
  • Migrate KU to Firebase
  • Purchase new domains
  • Migrate Dave6.com
  • Edit & Post App Idea Video
  • Create CMS & Next Boilerplate
  • Laser Cutting Attempt

While I didn't manage to complete all of my goals, I put a good chunk into them, and was able to move some over to next week.

It's been a great start, and I think if I keep up this pace I can continue to be happily unemployed in the future!

Check back next week to see if I keep up this sunny disposition.

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